These courses are the materials used by the new UNIMA courseware developers facilitated by OER Africa.

This is an introductory course for new courseware developers from various different Colleges at the University of Malawi. the course introduces the Moodle platform, its tools and course building blocks but also focuses on good teaching practice when designing courses for delivery online as well as the potential role Open Education Resources can play in the design and deployment of online courses.

This workshop, the second meeting in a series of  three, is designed to provide participants with additional opportunities to reinforce skills acquired in the 1st workshop, namely planning and the loading of content and activities into their Moodle course shells. In addition this workshop covers  instructional design principles and also has an introduction to the Moodle assessment module.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:

  1. identify and deploy seven instructional design strategies designed to improve student experiences when learning online.
  2. design and create a simple assessment opportunity for their online course.